Current COVID-19 Support Options And TCM
Current COVID-19 Support Options And TCM

It has been a couple weeks since I have posted on here and brought some recent thoughts to bear as far as what we should be doing to help ourselves during COVID-19. One thing is certain - waiting for a vaccine is an exercise in futility. Dr. Fauci has admitted that a vaccine will not help us reach herd immunity. Bill Gates has said any vaccine will require multiple doses to show any effectiveness. And any vaccines that are available for our population to use in the next 6-9 months will most likely have taken major short-cuts with proper clinical trials regarding safety and effectiveness.
This leaves us with the reality that the WHO, CDC and even federal, state and local government responses are all reactive with no true "treatment" guidelines offered.
I am not here to talk about Hydroxychloroquine or the debate behind this other than to say, there are supposedly many many doctors who are using it successfully. However, published studies show mostly ineffectiveness, so again confusion reins supreme!
So what do we do? The truth is there is actually much we can do.
Over the past few months I have provided several tips for our patients, friends and fans that can help to give our body potential healing opportunities against a COVID infection.
The best treatment for all of us remains to boost your immune system defenses against organisms that can cause infections. Did you know that over 2.2 million Americans have contracted COVID-19 and recovered? This means their immune systems were strong enough to help them recover! More on this later on, but I want to talk about an interesting treatment which has been ignored by our country and should be reconsidered.
A recent review of some of the current treatments available has brought up a very intriguing treatment option that most of us don't know about.
Many of you have heard of the term Chinese Medicine. I practice several forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Energy Medicine in our Integrative clinic in Cornelius, NC.
There is an herbal Chinese treatment which has been used since February 2020 in China, Thailand and other Asian countries as a part of Standard of Care against COVID-19. The treatment is called Lianhua Qingwen Capsules (LQC) which are also used against the seasonal flu. It comprises 13 herbs and is said to have a curative effect in patients with mild symptoms, relieving fever, cough and fatigue and may also help prevent the disease from worsening. Research showed clinically significant improvement in recovery rates with 30% shorter duration.
The FDA has done it's best to try to shut down LQC from distribution in America as a treatment for COVID-19 because it's "not proven", but I know many practitioners of TCM who will tell you differently.
It appears the manufacturer of LQC is Yiling Pharmaceuticals. It may be possible to find this product from a local TCM practitioner or Herbalist, and a local google search will likely find practitioners in your area, but it is not the easiest to find.
In the meantime, the most important tools we have to help support our immune system are still the ones I have been talking about for months now: Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes and S-Glutathione. I have blog posts on each of these immune boosters and Facebook Live videos on the science behind each of them.
Call our office at 704-987-3993 or DM us on Facebook if you have more questions or are interested in getting any of these products for yourselves or loved ones.
- Akiba J. Green, DNM, ABAAHP, FICT, CFMP