Why diets don't work and what you can do about it
After studying dieting for 20 years, a researcher concluded diets simply don’t work, a fact countless Americans have spent 20-plus years of their own lives validating.
Why? Dieting is constructed around faulty principles that defy human biology and psychology. The “calories in versus calories out” model fails to account for hormonal shifts during weight loss, the psychological consequences of deprivation, and the futility of willpower when it comes to eating.
In a nutshell, the human body has mechanisms in place designed to compensate for starvation.
Three things that cause diets to fail
The researcher found three key reasons why diets fail:- The deprivation of dieting wires your brain to notice food more and to make food appear more appetizing, tempting, and harder to resist.
- Weight loss through calorie restriction causes hormonal shifts that decrease satiety hormones and increase hunger hormones. As a result, you feel less full on the same amount of food than you used to.
- Calorie restriction slows down your metabolism so that you become more efficient at storing fat and less efficient at burning it. This is why people actually become heavier after each diet.