The Sugar Addiction And Your Health

Sweetened Drinks Linked To Depression Sweetened drinks are associated with depression risks, according to Dr. Mercola in his most recent article. Preliminary study findings report that drinking sweetened beverages – whether they’re sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners – is associated with an increased risk of depression. Those who drank more than four cans or glasses of diet soda or other artificially sweetened beverages had a nearly 30 percent higher risk of depression compared to those who did not consume diet drinks. Regular soda drinkers had a 22 percent increased risk. Potential mechanisms through which sugar intake could exert a toxic effect on mental health include causing insulin and leptin resistance; suppressing activity of a key hormone called BDNF, which are critically low in depressed patients; and promoting chronic inflammation, which is thought to be a primary cause of depression. Previous studies have also shown that aspartame has a detrimental effect on brain function, neurological, cognitive, and behavioral health.   Sugar_substitutes1 The artificial sweetener aspartame is the number one source of side-effect complaints to the FDA, with over 10,000 complaints filed and over 91 symptoms documented that are related to its consumption. Among them are mental adverse effects such as depression and panic attacks. The following video will familiarize you with some of the terrifying side-effects and health problems you could encounter if you consume products containing this chemical. Unfortunately, aspartame toxicity is not well-known by doctors, despite its frequency.

Is Splenda Safe?

Wrongfully marketed as a healthful alternative to regular sugar, ‘made from sugar so it tastes like sugar’, Splenda is actually one of the most dangerous forms of synthetic sweetener.   Sucralose, the chemical name for Splenda, has been implemented as an alternative to sugar, used widely in chewing gum, bakery sweets, diet sodas, fruit juices, and other oddities contrived as food. The sweetener is actually more chlorinated than aspartame – and consequently not much different than aspartame in terms of it’s effects on the body. Is Splenda Safe? – Research Says ‘No’ Through the extensive testing processes of the FDA, the sugary poison was considered safe for human consumption in 1998 after the effects were studied on over 100 animals and humans (only 2 of which were actually humans). And thus yet another artificial sweetener was born, putting people’s health at risk through marketing and profit-driven goals. What comes as the greatest surprise, however, is the fact that all of the testing done with Sucralose was only completed on around 40 people total – much of the studies’ goals were only to test its effects on the teeth of the subjects, and virtually nothing about the toxicity of the sweetener whatsoever. Fortunately, other non-governmental studies have been completed and the results have shown that Sucralose is responsible for a variety of ailments: headaches, blurred vision, short-term dizziness, and more serious long term effects such as depression and weight gain. There are other effects associated with splenda consumption as well, such as:
  • Skin breaking out in hives or rashes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling of facial muscles
  • Eye irritation
  • Joint pains
  • General sensation of anxiety in a number of consumers
  • The worst effect of them all?   The stomach is essentially cleansed of any healthful bacterium existing within the stomach lining, in addition to increasing pH levels within the intestines. This effect directly stimulates/upsets ghrelin levels (hormones responsible for stimulating appetite, resulting in increased cravings for carbohydrates and other non essential food sources).
What is so wrongful and vile about the substance is that it is not only sold to consumer food product manufacturers, but also to a fair share of big pharma. This means that the medications that you buy may still contain the sugar sweetener without you ever knowing, as many companies are deliberately not listing Sucralose as an ingredient at all. This adds just one more reason to break any reliance for pharmaceutical medications. But instead of Splenda rightfully discontinuing their toxic creation, they have decided to make it sound even better for consumers under the name Splenda Essentials, Unfortunately, this is marketing deception, as you are still consuming the highly toxic Sucralose Source:  Natural Society “Is Splenda Safe?”

Stevia: A Safe Sugar Alternative

For people who choose to avoid the use of the chemical-based sweeteners that dominate the marketplace, such as saccharin (Sweet ‘N Low), aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal), and sucralose (Splenda), many of us have been using stevia instead because it contains ZERO calories and carbohydrates. That’s certainly impressive nutritional info for a natural alternative to sugar. Stevia, a glycoside formed by three molecules of glucose and one of steviol (made from the South American plant Stevia rebaudiana), is one such product. While considered a food additive in countries such as Japan, Brazil and China.Stevia is already being used in Diet Coke-in Japan, where stevia boasts a robust 40% of the sweetener market, as well as in Brazil, China, and nine other industrialized countries. Questions linger about the possible health effects of saccharin and aspartame, two of the oldest sweeteners, while the newest entry in the marketplace, the herbal product stevia, has only limited oversight from the FDA since it’s labeled as a dietary supplement, rather than a food additive. The stevia story gets even better. Independent researchers’ preliminary scientific studies show stevia may improve the function of cells required for insulin production in the pancreas. It may also improve glucose tolerance in people with diabetes. Unlike any other sweeteners, stevia has been reported to possess anti-viral properties. Preliminary evidence also suggests stevia possesses blood pressure lowering properties and may be a useful treatment for hypertension. Since stevia does not alter blood sugar levels, it also offers potential in the diabetic market and therby to legalize stevia in the United States as a GRAS sweetener (meaning they could use it in foods). Once stevia is legalized, you will see a swift and industry-wide shift away from aspartame and towards stevia-based sweeteners. There are several different variations of stevia products coming to market. Optimal varieties that have a clean sucrose-like taste without the presence of a bitter aftertaste are being produced through plant-breeding techniques that’s part of the sunflower family. It can be used in far less quantity than sugar, yet provides an intensely sweet flavor.People who cannot drink green tea for its bitter taste despite its possible health benefits but when you mix it with lemon herbs and stevia, an herbal sweetener, it becomes palatable. It is approximately 300 times as sweet as sugar with a slower onset and a longer duration. It is also heat- and pH-stable, non-fermentable and does not invoke a glycemic response. The FDA could reportedly be petitioned to approve stevia as a food additive. It has none of the usual junk found in multi-vitamins for kids (no artificial colors, no sugars, no chemical sweeteners, etc.), but it’s loaded with plant extracts and even tastes great thanks to the xylitol and stevia in the formula.This South American herb has long been used by natives as a “sugar alternative”. It has no calories. This leaf is not only calorie-free, but also non-toxic, heat-stable, non-fermentive, non-carcinogenic, non-addictive, flavor enhancing and above all, free of calcium cyclamate saccharin aspartame that leads to side-effects. For the most part, refined sugar is not good for you. People trying to cut back or eliminate altogether. Blackstrap molasses or honey are better choices. Stevia root is a natural calorie free sweetener, you can find it in healthstores. A good one is “Stevia Plus.” When having a sugar craving, have fruit instead. Stevia can be used for cooking and baking since it’s heat stable, plus it blends well with other sweeteners such as honey. Liquid Stevia drops, in clear or flavored, can be added to milk or water for a flavorful zing.  Delicious yet healthier desserts can be enjoyed when stevia replaces the sugar or artificial sweeteners and healthier ingredients are used in the recipes. Source: NDRI “Stevia: The Safe Sugar Alternative”]]>