Take The Nucleo Immune Challenge!
Join The Lake Norman Integrative Wellness& Wellness Nucleo Immune Challenge!
What is the challenge all about? It’s about keeping you and your family healthy with a new supplement called Nucleo Immune!
Nucleo Immune (from Premier Research Laboratories) is the ultimate cold / flu buster, tissue, surgery and injury and recovery nutrient.
Research Has Shown That Taking Nucleo Immune (Oral Nucleotides) Can Help: 
- Stop cold and flu in one day (96% of the time)
- Reduce wound healing time up to 67%, including broken bones
- Improves circulation
- Increase energy levels
- Dramatically slows the aging process
- Strengthens the immune system
- Reduces infection and disease
Bottom line…..the nucleotides kill “bugs” before they attack so you don’t get sick (or sicker)!
What Are The Results?
The results we’ve seen so far with patients who are taking Nucleo Immune is 100% success rate!
Join The Nucleo Immune Challenge Today!
Join this challenge and avoid sickness this winter! Find out more about Nucleo Immune in our office or by calling 704-987-3993. Nucleo Immune is manufactured by Premier Research Laboratories and sold by Lake Norman Integrative Wellness& Wellness.