Repairvite: Tips For Traveling
General Tips To Remember About Repairvite:
- Keep in mind that Repairvite is a short-term protocol, usually 6-8 weeks. Keep that goal in mind as you go through this journey.
- The purpose of Repairvite is to REDUCE inflammation in your body and REPAIR the damaged intestinal lining helping to improve not only gut function but overall immune function long-term..
- Repairvite is meant to improve your health.
- Eating every 2-3 hours is crucial to keeping your blood sugar stabilized and keeping cravings away.
Tips To Help While You Travel:
- Plan ahead. A little extra time spent planning out meals before you leave will help you! If you’re going to be eating out the entire time you are away, do some research online to see what restaurants may have gluten free menus to help you while you eat out. Use Allergy Eats as a resource to find restaurants who can accomodate you on your travels. They have an app also that allows you to search on your phone!
- Pack a cooler and/or travel tote. It will be helpful to have a small cooler tote to put things in during the day.
- Bring your “must have” foods. It is important to have access to gluten free, dairy free and soy free foods throughout the day. When you’re in a different place, this can be a challenge. Be prepared by bringing your own foods. Here is a great list:

Must Have Food List (To Be Packed)
Fruits (apples, bananas, grapes)
Pre-cut broccoli and cauliflower (good raw or heated)
Avocados (take them before they are ripe and will be ready to eat in a few days)
Almond butter
Seeds (pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower)
Lara Bars – with almonds only
Shelf stable almond milk (Blue Diamond, Silk)
Applesauce (GoGo Squeeze, Mott’s)